
How Many Views On Youtube To Make Money 2019

If you lot create video content, it's likely yous've already thought about how yous can make money on YouTube. Some of the world's most famous vloggers make millions of pounds from their YouTube channels, but how did they get started?

Read on to find out how to monetise YouTube, from how many views and subscribers you need, to how you tin make money in other ways than adverts.

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How to brand money on YouTube in the UK

With more than than 2 billion active users, YouTube provides plenty of opportunities to monetise content. However, with an estimated 500 hours of video existence uploaded every minute, it's an increasingly competitive market place.

Before you lot can start making money from your video content, yous'll need to build an engaged audience. Here's an overview of some of the things you lot'll need to recall about:

  • find a niche– if you lot create specialist content, you'll be in a amend position to attract an engaged audience and piece of work with brands in that sector

  • get the right equipment– a practiced camera, lighting, and microphone tin can brand your videos more than professional and appealing to your audience

  • use tools to build your audience– you'll need to post regularly, optimise your videos with keywords, and drive traffic to your aqueduct from social media or blogs

How ads piece of work on YouTube

Youtube video poster

How many subscribers do you lot need to make money on YouTube?

If you want to start making money from your YouTube videos, you'll need 1,000 subscribers.

You don't get paid per subscriber, but the more than subscribers you have, the more potential yous have to generate acquirement.

For example, if you desire to become an influencer and work with brands for affiliate marketing, yous'll be paid more and become more than opportunities if you lot have a high number of subscribers.

How many views do you need to make money on YouTube?

Also equally ane,000 subscribers, you'll need people to take watched 4,000 hours of your content in the last 12 months to kickoff earning.

The more views yous accept, the college your chances of making coin. Still, y'all'll merely get revenue if someone clicks or watches the ad on your video in full.

According to Forbes, YouTubers can make an estimated $5 (£3.50) per ane,000 views, significant a video with 75,000 views would be worth around $375 (£270).

How many views you lot need will depend on whether y'all're solely looking to make money from advertising, and whether it's going to be a total-time job or a side hustle considering y'all're a student for instance.

What is the YouTube Partner Program?

Once you've reached one,000 subscribers with more than 4,000 hours of your content watched in the terminal 12 months, you tin sign upward for the YouTube Partner Program which allows yous to include adverts in your videos.

Advertisers pay for clicks and impressions and you'll receive around 55 per cent of the revenue your content generates.

You lot can set up ads from the 'Monetization' feature in the YouTube Studio. From here, you can turn on ads for unmarried or multiple videos.

Your content will demand to meet YouTube's advertiser-friendly content guidelines, and adverts volition only get-go actualization on your videos once they take passed an automated or human review to make sure they run into YouTube guidelines.

From the dashboard, you can then look at your monthly estimated acquirement to meet how much you lot could kickoff earning.

What is AdSense?

Once you're signed upwardly to the Partner Program, setting up an AdSense account is the easiest way to get paid by YouTube.

It'southward of import to note that YouTube will but pay you once you've earned $100 or more from ads on your videos.

What is YouTube Premium?

One time you've started earning money from ads, you can also sign up for YouTube Premium.

This feature allows your subscribers to pay to lookout your content without ads. You'll become paid by how much premium subscribers are watching your videos.

YouTube Premium is a 2nd revenue stream every bit you tin earn money from paying subscribers while all the same earning ad revenue from not-members watching your content.

YouTuber recording video at home

What are the YouTube Customs Guidelines?

When you lot desire to monetise your YouTube channel, you'll need to follow YouTube's Partner Plan policy and its Customs Guidelines.

The Community Guidelines are designed to protect users of the site from things like imitation engagement, spam, and scams.

There are besides guidelines on sensitive content such every bit child prophylactic, and vehement and unsafe content such as cyberbullying and hate speech.

The guidelines apply to all videos, every bit well as comments, links, and thumbnails.

Can y'all brand money from YouTube in other ways than ads?

For most YouTubers, including adverts in videos is the get-go step in making money from the platform. However, there are a range of other things you can exercise which are outlined below:

  • merchandise – selling branded items such as t-shirts or tote bags is a good way to brand extra money. YouTube even has its own Merchandise Shelf which you can incorporate into videos

  • fan funding – once you've built an audience, sites similar Patreon, Tipeee, and Buy Me A Coffee allow you to receive one-off and recurring donations from fans in exchange for exclusive content

  • become an influencer – YouTube affiliate marketing (promoting other brands' products) can help you to increment your revenue through sponsored posts and discounts codes. Remember to disclose any partnerships and make certain you're not breaking any government rules on advertising

  • license to media – if you mail service a video that goes viral, news publications or brands tin pay you lot to employ the content

  • channel memberships – members of YouTube'due south Partner Program can charge fans to be members of their aqueduct in commutation for actress content

  • conversation payments – live streamers tin use YouTube's Super Chat function to receive donations from fans in exchange for shout-outs

Making money beyond ads

Youtube video poster

Keep on summit of revenue enhancement and insurance

One time you start using YouTube for business, it's important to understand your tax responsibilities. You can earn £1,000 taxation-free, but you'll demand to pay revenue enhancement on anything above this. Read our guides on second chore tax if you have a side hustle and going self-employed to make sure you're on the right rail.

What'south more, it's important to accept the right insurance in place to cover any risks associated with your work and protect your equipment. Find out more near the concern insurance yous might need and how it can protect yous.

Is there anything else yous desire to know well-nigh how to make money on YouTube videos? Let the states know in the comments below.


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